
Our research collaborative includes faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students who are interested in communication, migration, and reducing inequities. Guided by a social ecological model, we use quantitative and qualitative methods to examine how stressors, rooted in structural barriers, are associated with the health and wellbeing of migrant youth and their families. We focus on undocumented immigration, migration-based family separation, interpreting for adult family members under stressful conditions, and racial/ethnic discrimination. In addition, we conduct research that identifies promotive factors at different levels (e.g., individual, interpersonal, community, institutional, cultural, state, and federal) to reduce inequities and promote thriving.

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Using a social ecological model, our research focuses on four primary areas: (1) undocumented immigration, (2) language brokering, (3) migration-based family separation, and (4) communication-focused substance-use prevention.

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We conduct research with the hopes that our findings can inform the development of resources and services that high school administrators and staff; college/university administrators, staff, faculty, and students; Directors and Coordinators at college/university Undocumented Student Services and DREAM Centers; mental health professionals, and community organizations can use to reduce economic, educational, and health inequities. 


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Congratulations to CEC team members, Andrea, Ashley, Elvira, and Roxana, for creating this...

Congratulations to Kyungin Kim, Dr. Jennifer Kam, and Delmy Munguia! Their paper, ...

As the 4th award recipient of a prestigious grant from the Pahl Center for the Study of Critical...